The "I Tell You The Truth" Devotional is available now at Amazon.Com. You can get a PRINTED copy or a KINDLE E-Book. These daily devotions will also be posted on the SEAMIST Devotions FACEBOOK Page every day. Click the button now for details!
SEAMIST reaches out to peoples who still have not really heard the good news! Every day we pray for people groups with few if any Christians, churches, or outreaches.
SEAMIST workers and associates work to reach Aeta, Bugis, Makassar, Shan, Mamanwa, Badjao, Burmese, Rahine, Hani, and other needy people groups!
SEAMIST is preaching the good news, you can help by going, praying, giving!
Establishing Indigenous Churches
WE PLANT CHURCHES! The church is the manifestation of God's Kingdom in our world and the only hope there is for transformation of any culture or society.
It is not enough just to preach and win souls, believers have to be discipled. The church is where discipleship occurs.
SEAMIST begins every work with the goal of leaving behind an indigenous church, a simple church, that needs nothing from anyone but Jesus.
Where The Need Is
Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, East Timor, Laos, Myanmar, and the Philippines.... These countries are the SEAMIST mission field.
The limits of our vision are clear, this is our focus, this region is where we work. 600,000,000 people. More than 670 people groups still classified as unreached. We hope and pray for 100 of these people groups!
SEAMIST trains church planters for SEA!
All of the SEAMIST staff and workers welcome you to our website and pray you will be blessed by what you find here. We appreciate your visit! We PRAY that you will be led by the Lord to get involved in the mission work He is doing here. We ask for you prayers and support, in Jesus’ Name!
Our mission focus is on the hundreds of people groups throughout South East Asia that have never really had a Christian presence. We want to see the good news about God’s love communicated to everyone in a way they can understand it just like Jesus commanded. When the gospel is presented in culturally and socially appropriate ways, people have an opportunity to decide to believe or to reject the Lord Jesus Christ. For those who believe, we work to establish church communities made up of people who trust Jesus and obey his commands. Pray we can do that!
2 Minute SEAMIST Vision and Mission Video We invite you to take a moment to watch….